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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Affects By Effects

I don't know what I want to do. I have no idea. I do know, however, I want to make an impact. What a trite expression. Making an impact. So many people my age use this very term and yet they haven't the slightest idea how. Like me. So first I guess one has to define what "making an impact means to them" (god that sounds like an admission essay, doesn't it?) To me it means taking part in something so powerful, it transcends the "good deed" or  "charitable act" and becomes a metamorphosis of belief and well being. Easier said than done....

Blake Mycoskie, the founder of Toms, came to speak at UNT on Wednesday and I was so inspired by his story. I have always adored the mission of Toms. Not only is the idea of, "One for one" brilliant from a business perspective, but from a humanitarian perspective as well. Nevertheless, this is one of those things that would be considered "making an impact." This is one of those things I want to do.

I have changed since my first semester in college, hell, since high school, and I have realized I have this desire to affect more than effect, or maybe I want to affect by effect. Whichever.

I am so "college-y."  It is just that, I have been, for the first time in awhile, encompassed with this feeling of being able to do anything. And I want to make it count.

That's it. If you made it this far...your probably my mom... :)

Goodnight blog land. May you dream well.


  1. I wonder if Tootie read this far...hmmm???? Is she REALLY BAE?

  2. Susannah, some things never change, and I TOTALLY understand! Sounds like you're progressing through life on the right path.
