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Thursday, April 14, 2011


I am supposed to be writing a paper for my Moral Philosophy class discussing if society should be required to be vegetarians to stay morally consistent. However, as I do more and more "googling," I am becoming more and more repulsed by what I am discovering. I know the factory farming industry is inhuman and these poor animals are forced to stand in their own poop and their legs and wings fall off and they are confined to such small spaces they can't even turn around but I never wanted to admit that in a way, by eating meat, I was reinforcing this practice.

I am a meat eater. I love me some chicken and osso buco and bacon. BUT I am ashamed of what I have albeit, indirectly, helping.


This video is from, go there to see the bigger version.

It is awful, sick, disturbing, plus a thousand more variations of the same word.

If you are interested in more information about factory farming, watch the documentary called Food INC. It is pretty fasinating.

Basically what I am saying is, I have decided to go veg for one month. I have said this in the past but it was only for the health benefits. Now it is for the life benefits.
 Thats right I will not eat any product made from a cow-including milk, a pig, a turkey, or a chicken-including eggs for one month.  This is my public statement. This will be worth it. So that is all for now. Here are some cute pictures:

good night blog land, may you sleep well and dream of cute animals that share this earth with us.

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