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Monday, March 28, 2011

Bradley Cooper, Yes PLEASE

Yesterday I had the chance to see Limitless and The Lincoln Lawyer. While both were great, I have to say Limitless was not only my favorite because I am obsessed with this man :

but also because the cinematography and concept were refreshing and unique. Who would want to take a pill that would give you access to the full use of your brain? I WOULD. HELL YES I WOULD.
If I were on that pill right at this minute, I would be fluent in Italian, I would be an excellent piano player from all the lessons I attempted in my youth, I would be able to TEACH that macroecon class I failed, I would be able to actually read my history textbook without falling asleep AND find it interesting, and I would be able to actually, for the first time,  take control of my dog from all the Cesar Milan episodes I have watched...hell I could BE Cesar Milan.  

OK yes according to the movie there are downsides to the pill, namely not taking it BUT if one was taking it, then they presumably would be smart enough to procure a lifetime supply by learning how to mold the electrons to the neutrons to the protons and then fit it to the brantrons in your headtron without causing a heap ton of problems. 

So in conclusion, vote YES for the pill that makes everyone smart and rich. Not only because I endorse it, but because this man does too:

Yes it is REALLY that good.

As far as Lincoln Lawyer goes, it was an interesting story. Matthew McConaughey was actually good ( I am not a big fan of his Johnny One Note approach to acting). I was disappointed Marisa Tomei and William H. Macy weren't used much as they were the best actors in the whole shebang. Ryan Phillippe did what he does best-play a stuck up rich boy with a constant quivering lip. GET OVER YOURSELF. OK fine he might be a nice guy in real life but really...stop picking the same part. OK yes this part may have had some levels quirks (I'm not going to spoil it) but it was still the basic same character, dark and twisted with lots of money from mommy. (Is that you, Cruel Intentions?) Overall, it is good movie. Go see it to be entertained.  

Goodnight blog land. May you dream of lovely things and Bradley Cooper

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahahahahaha! You totally WOULD be Cesar Milan! :P

    And thank you...dreaming of Bradley Cooper sounds quite nice!
