1. Certain people have asked myself and my mother what Cefalu smells like. Before I had no answer for this, but now that I have been here for a little over a month, I have the perfect most complicated answer (because nothing is easy when it involves either Italy or Italians). In the mornings, in the historical center it smells like coffee, baking bread, and cigarette smoke. Although it is not stale cigarette smoke, it is fresh smoke, like the whole town just lit up. I like this smell. I know I know...it will KILL me but hey I can't control it. Then mid day depending on where you are in Cefalu, it smells like baby oil, sunscreen, sweat mixed with , icecream, and cigarette smoke. The cigarette smoke is a constant. Then around 7 it changes to a over whelming smell of men's cologne, cigarette smoke, perfume, and food. OH MY GOODNESS does the food smell good. One could become full on the smells of the food alone. Then around 10pm, 11pm it smells even more like men's cologne, cigarette smoke, and alcohol.
So this, my friends, is what the historical center of Cefalu smells like.
2. Two days ago, I witnessed a classic scene. I was walking down and small, cobblestoned street with a particularly large amount of balconies. There was an argument taking place between six old women, each on a seperate balcony, on different sides of the street, and on different levels. Some were shouting up, others shouting down, and they were all shouting at the same time. Then an older man walking along the street decided to engage in the argument. The moment he opened his mouth, there was silence among the women, a beat, and then the women aimed their angry tyraids at him, all at the same time. He turned red, ducked his head, and walked as fast as an 80 year old with a limp and a cane can and disappeared into an ally.
3. Never keep an Italian waiting when he has a soccer game to get to. This is never a good idea. Never.
4. When italians want to get someone's attention, they don't call the person by name, they yell HO! or they make a hissing sound. I quite like this for two reasons. 1. If you call out the person's name and it isn't the person who is actually attacted to that name, it can be embarrasing. By using the italian method, you skip the embarrasment completely. 2. I think it is funny.
5. Maljk is finally open after being closed for about three weeks. THANK GOD. You see, time is very different in Cefalu. Three weeks in the real world feels like 3 years in Cefalu. I think there is a time converter located in this town. I just have to find it and then I can prove my theory. This is why it looks like no one every ages. The people here either look like babies, in their 20's, or old, like really old. There is no in between. For this reason alone, I want to stay here. Just think no one would ever need botox until you reach the really old stage of Cefalu life.
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Friday, July 1, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Random Ramblings
1. Cefalu has a marching band. Yep and they play at 10 in the morning on Sundays, but only this Sunday, not every Sunday but I was assured they play on Sundays...
2. One of my bosses could very likely be a cousin.
3. My lifeguard friend could also very likely be a cousin (this is unfortunate)
4. I am beginning to like the Simpsons. It is funnier in Italian.
5. Cefalu is a town full of secrets that everyone knows but won't address. (This is typical for a small town but because this is a small town in Italy, and everyone involved is usually Italian, the secrets are a bit more dramatic than they need to be)
6. When you speak in Italian, everyone knows what you are saying...or at least trying to say, unlike in the States, when you speak in Italian when you don't want that person sitting across from you to understand what you are saying about them. ooops. that was a momentary lapse in memory. Same thing goes for English. You never know who can actually speak it....so just keep your mouth shut..
7. The majority of Sicilian women hate me. Really hate me. The other day I smiled at this group of girls I have seen around town and I swear I saw flaming fire balls shoot from every pair of eyes and were aimed at my head.
8. In an earlier post, I talked about the popped collars, stunna shades, and gelled hair and how it was almost attractive. Well, now it is really attractive. Although, American guys can't pull it off as well as these Italians do. It is all about attitude....and they have it...
9. I was having a conversation with a girlfriend of mine here (who doesn't shoot fireballs at me). We were talking about the differences in attractions between Americans and Italians. I was saying how many American girls (at least the ones I know, myself included) want an attractive Italian man. She told me the majority of her friends want a blonde hair, blue eyed, American boy. I then suggested we switch cities as Denton has a plethora of what she wants and Italy has a plethora of what I want. She agreed.
10. I have walked around this town so much that I now know which streets have morning shade and which streets have afternoon shade and to avoid Via Bordonaro at all cost in the early afternoon because there is no shade.
11. After all these years, I have found my father's long lost brother. Though I don't know his name, I know he has to be related to my dad SOMEHOW. It is inevitable. They are related. They are. They just are.
12. I was approached by a so called "businessman" in this town with a business proposal. After reassuring me many times nothing illegal was involved "but I had to keep it a secret", I think he finally got the point I wasn't going to do business with him, no matter how much the kick backs were. Even if I did agree to set up the tours, he wouldn't pay me anyway. Because no one does anything they say they are going to do here. Ever. Oh and no one has any money. Ever.
2. One of my bosses could very likely be a cousin.
3. My lifeguard friend could also very likely be a cousin (this is unfortunate)
4. I am beginning to like the Simpsons. It is funnier in Italian.
5. Cefalu is a town full of secrets that everyone knows but won't address. (This is typical for a small town but because this is a small town in Italy, and everyone involved is usually Italian, the secrets are a bit more dramatic than they need to be)
6. When you speak in Italian, everyone knows what you are saying...or at least trying to say, unlike in the States, when you speak in Italian when you don't want that person sitting across from you to understand what you are saying about them. ooops. that was a momentary lapse in memory. Same thing goes for English. You never know who can actually speak it....so just keep your mouth shut..
7. The majority of Sicilian women hate me. Really hate me. The other day I smiled at this group of girls I have seen around town and I swear I saw flaming fire balls shoot from every pair of eyes and were aimed at my head.
8. In an earlier post, I talked about the popped collars, stunna shades, and gelled hair and how it was almost attractive. Well, now it is really attractive. Although, American guys can't pull it off as well as these Italians do. It is all about attitude....and they have it...
9. I was having a conversation with a girlfriend of mine here (who doesn't shoot fireballs at me). We were talking about the differences in attractions between Americans and Italians. I was saying how many American girls (at least the ones I know, myself included) want an attractive Italian man. She told me the majority of her friends want a blonde hair, blue eyed, American boy. I then suggested we switch cities as Denton has a plethora of what she wants and Italy has a plethora of what I want. She agreed.
10. I have walked around this town so much that I now know which streets have morning shade and which streets have afternoon shade and to avoid Via Bordonaro at all cost in the early afternoon because there is no shade.
11. After all these years, I have found my father's long lost brother. Though I don't know his name, I know he has to be related to my dad SOMEHOW. It is inevitable. They are related. They are. They just are.
12. I was approached by a so called "businessman" in this town with a business proposal. After reassuring me many times nothing illegal was involved "but I had to keep it a secret", I think he finally got the point I wasn't going to do business with him, no matter how much the kick backs were. Even if I did agree to set up the tours, he wouldn't pay me anyway. Because no one does anything they say they are going to do here. Ever. Oh and no one has any money. Ever.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I will never understand the inevitable italian unfaithfulness. I understand people have affairs and I understand it is not only Italians. One can argue Americans are one of the frontrunners when it comes to having affairs with such examples as AshelyMadison.com and similar sites. What disgusts and baffles me is how widely accepted it is here. The women seem accept it and go on with their lives standing beside their unfaithful but always loving husbands.
Last night I was told that a man cannot be true Sicilian without having a mistress regardless if he lives in Italy or not. It is this statement that burns me to my very core. Granted I do have a skewed view of life in Italy. I am in a small town where everyone knows everyone and the only excitement is in the summer when the locals get to sample fresh and "exotic" meat.
In my opinion this is a sad existence. How can anyone live freely and happily when they have to either deal with the pressure of juggling so many women or the women have to live knowing their husbands cannot be fully satisfied with only them.
Further, because of this lovely converstation I had, it almost seems as if there is a pressure put upon these men to prove they are "truly Sicilian" and if they do not engage in having an affair, then they have failed not only their culture and their gender, but their destiny as well.
Last night I was told that a man cannot be true Sicilian without having a mistress regardless if he lives in Italy or not. It is this statement that burns me to my very core. Granted I do have a skewed view of life in Italy. I am in a small town where everyone knows everyone and the only excitement is in the summer when the locals get to sample fresh and "exotic" meat.
In my opinion this is a sad existence. How can anyone live freely and happily when they have to either deal with the pressure of juggling so many women or the women have to live knowing their husbands cannot be fully satisfied with only them.
Further, because of this lovely converstation I had, it almost seems as if there is a pressure put upon these men to prove they are "truly Sicilian" and if they do not engage in having an affair, then they have failed not only their culture and their gender, but their destiny as well.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Names and names.
I always thought it was a joke. I never took it seriously. When one thinks about it, the first thing that comes to mind is "how is that possible". Oh but let me tell you it is possible. It is. What am I talking about? Names. Male names. There are only like 10 and they are used over and over and over. It gets a little exhausting. These names include:
Obviously there are exceptions to the rule but still the vast majority of males in this tiny little town are deemed with the previous 10 names. Yet when you are talking about someone with one of these names no last names are necessary because everyone knows which one you are talking about. This fact truly baffles me. I think it is an italian quality that they are born with...kind of like an italian super power.
With women it is different. Yes there are commons names but they are not so regulated to the same 10 names and in this case last names are sometimes used.
It can be so frustrating and hilarious at the same time.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
10 Days
Today is day 10 of my trip to Cefalu and it has already proved interesting. I have run into many people from last summer-including the creeps (and by that most of you know who I mean). The funny thing is, they (and he) don't seem half as creepy as they did last summer. Here is my After 10 Days list of what I have noticed in Cefalu.
11. Italian men seem to love fanny packs. Apparently it is the "in" thing.
10. The mullet has made a comeback among 11-17 year old boys
9. Most Sicilian women still don't like female tourists no matter how much you smile at them.
8. But if you are friends with them, they will make sure you are always ok and have your back...for the most part...
7. Italian men love women...this is no surprise but even when they are 90 years old with missing teeth, no hair, thick eyeglasses, are probably deaf and need a walker, they will still use all their energy to get a good stare.
6. What is it about the lifeguards here...ERUH!
5. Somehow these guys are able to pull off a popped collar, stunna shades, a mad strut, while smoking a cigarette. In the states I would view this as douchebaggy...but here...it is kind of attractive, I am ashamed to say.
4. When people end a phone call there is no shortage of ciao. I don't actually know when to hang up. After the first one, or the 15th one...
3. Everyone has affairs...EVERYONE. This I will never understand.
2. I have come to find the smell of cigarette smoke comforting.
1. Besides the beach in cefalu, there is nothing to do...absolutely nothing, zero, zilch, niente...and I like it
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
First day of work, Scootering and La Rocca
Well today was my first day at Sicilian Reality and it was wonderful. I met most of the staff and everyone is so kind. I am really excited about working there this summer. Everyone is helping me with my Italian and in turn, I am helping with English. Today I got to call a client in Canada, that was cool.
So I might get to ride on a scooter this summer...hopefully. This really sweet guy named Giuseppe (of course-and NOT the creepy one) wanted to show me around Cefalu. He works at the resturant down the street from my apartment (It is the resturant that is right by the steps that go down to the rocks where are the cats live). Just so everyone knows he is mom approved. But we shall see.
I climbed La Rocca today and it was exactly the same and wonderful. The same old mountain man was at the same place asking where we were from. When we said US he asked "New York, Boston, LA" just like last summer.
Nothing really has changed here. Not even the construction. The things that were under construction last summer are still under construction last summer. However, there are more clothing stores (with better clothes). I haven't gone yet into new town so we shall see how things look there.
Friday I am going to go to Maljk. These italian's have incredible memories. Not only do they remember me from last year but they also remember my name. I love it.
A presto!
So I might get to ride on a scooter this summer...hopefully. This really sweet guy named Giuseppe (of course-and NOT the creepy one) wanted to show me around Cefalu. He works at the resturant down the street from my apartment (It is the resturant that is right by the steps that go down to the rocks where are the cats live). Just so everyone knows he is mom approved. But we shall see.
I climbed La Rocca today and it was exactly the same and wonderful. The same old mountain man was at the same place asking where we were from. When we said US he asked "New York, Boston, LA" just like last summer.
Nothing really has changed here. Not even the construction. The things that were under construction last summer are still under construction last summer. However, there are more clothing stores (with better clothes). I haven't gone yet into new town so we shall see how things look there.
Friday I am going to go to Maljk. These italian's have incredible memories. Not only do they remember me from last year but they also remember my name. I love it.
Here are some pictures from the hike:
A presto!
Monday, May 30, 2011
I AM IN CEFLU!!! It is very strange. At any moment I expect to see one of my study abroad friends turn the corner with a big bottle of beer in their hand. All of these great memories are flooding back, little things I never thought I would remember. Regardless it is still a magical place. I am lucky enough to be here with my mom and our family friend Bobbi and her daughter Rebecca who is my age. We have been having such a great time. Rebecca and I were going to go to Maljk, on of the local clubs, tonight but is isn't open sooo I guess we will find something else to do.
I met with Massimo this evening and he told me to think of him as my older brother and he will protect me. I love it! I love the Sicilian mentality of protection. For example there is a sweet older man who works at the resturant across from the apartment my mom and I are staying in named Angelo. He is always outside and always greets us as we leave and return. He told us he will watch the apartment and us so we are safe. I love it!
I forgot to up load pictures to my computer. I will do it tonight so I can post them tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Well this packing business is not going the way I intended. I feel like I am packing triple what I packed last summer. NOT GOOD. I can't find anything, it is like all my chargers, adapters, converters, and random other cords decided to disappear two days before my trip. I have been pacing my house muttering, "I swear I saw that right here three days ago..." ALL FREAKING DAY. It seems like it would be much easier to pack for a guy. Seriously. They would need two pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of shorts, slacks, a couple tshirts, a button down, and a couple pairs of underware and they would be good for two months. But girls on the other hand (or namely me) I have like 800 bajillion items of clothing, shoes, makeup, hair stuff, and other random things girls need. not fair. Though I am putting most of this on myself, I will admit, but one has to pack differently when packing for an internship. I have to have office clothes, club clothes, beach clothes, athletic clothes, and then everyday clothes. Granted some items can be double dipped into other catagories. But still....
Seriously. This is frustrating. Then to top it all off, I have to make sure the outfits not only look work appropriate, but also look italy appropriate-or Bella Figura. That is alot of pressure to put on a college student who doesn't have a job and is spending all of her savings and then some on this internship. I go to sleep at night and the phrase bella figura echos in my head all night. So not only am I exhausted, I am frustrated with the packing, worried my clothes will be ok, and stressed because I can't find a damn thing! Man am I looking forward to the beach...and tan...and italian men....and the sexologies at Maljk. I'm purrring right now from the forthcoming bliss (that was a cassie reference...imu)
Anyway, I leave in two days TWO DAYS TWO DAYS! and I can't really believe it.
Goodnight blog land may you dream of sexy italian men (or women) and remember to always keep your chargers and cords in one place.
Seriously. This is frustrating. Then to top it all off, I have to make sure the outfits not only look work appropriate, but also look italy appropriate-or Bella Figura. That is alot of pressure to put on a college student who doesn't have a job and is spending all of her savings and then some on this internship. I go to sleep at night and the phrase bella figura echos in my head all night. So not only am I exhausted, I am frustrated with the packing, worried my clothes will be ok, and stressed because I can't find a damn thing! Man am I looking forward to the beach...and tan...and italian men....and the sexologies at Maljk. I'm purrring right now from the forthcoming bliss (that was a cassie reference...imu)
Anyway, I leave in two days TWO DAYS TWO DAYS! and I can't really believe it.
Goodnight blog land may you dream of sexy italian men (or women) and remember to always keep your chargers and cords in one place.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
You know that saying, "while we make plans, God laughs"? Yeah well I must be giving him a stomachache from laughing so hard.
I have planned my life for the next 20 years or so. We shall see how well this goes,
1. I will become TOFEL certified and will learn French before graduating from UNT.
2. After graduation, I will secure an English teaching position in Asia, India, or anywhere that will give me a job that is not on the North or South American Continent. (If this does not work out then I will join a peace corps like organization...this is TBD)
3. Then after establishing residency in New York, I will go to NYU for a masters of science in Global Affairs with an emphasis in human rights and social justice. (This doesn't work out then which grad school I do attend is TBD…but will be in DC, NYC, San Fran, or Chicago, or will be in another, industrialized country like England)
4. Next, I will secure a job with a Multinational Corporation who is socially conscious. My position will include travel and making lots of money (my position, how I get this amazing job, and what the company actually does, is TBD)
5. Then after make my first couple million and securing a partnership with this company, I will purchase a flat in London, making that my permanent home.
6. I will then meet an English Lord whom I will marry. We will go on to have two kids with quintessential English names (or I will marry a wealthy Swiss banker with Italian origins, who ever I meet first, or whom ever I love more...) We will then merge our wealth and become wealth overlords.
7. We will then purchase fabulous houses/villas/apartments in Tuscany, Cefalu, the Swiss Alps, Morocco, NYC, London, and Thailand. We will also have a summerhouse in Vancouver in case it gets too hot in any of the aforementioned areas.
8. Then I will become the CEO of the Company and sell it for 200 times from what it originally was worth.
9. I will retire.
10. Over the course of these years I would become fluent in Italian, French, and Spanish and proficient in Mandarin, Russian, Arabic, and Japanese.
Good plan right? But first thing's first, I got to get the hell out of Robson Ranch....
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
5 Reasons why one shouldn't post-pone freshmen classes till senior year
5. when one is a senior, one will usually go into the freshman class with a disgruntled attitude. 4. when one is a senior, one usually can tell when the professor actually cares about the subject and when he/she doesn't. 3. when one is a senior, one can figure out, usually pretty easily, the minimum amount of work required to get an A, as one is consumed with other work more pertainant to their major/minor and therefore graduation. 2. when one is a senior, one has usually already taken a plethora of upper level classes which deal with the same subject only more indepth, thus leaving the senior feeling either unchallenged or just over the topic completely. 1. when one is a senior, one typically gets swiftly annoyed with holier-than-thou, challenging-the-professor, I-know-more-than-anybody-about-anything, I-am-the-greatest-thing-to-happen-to-academia-since-algebra-yet-I-get-facts-wrong attitude typical of 18 year old freshmen. Yet, one doesn't really say anything because the senior will realize there is no point because said person will not care and will continue to be an annoyance the rest of the semester and will then probably direct attacks to the senior. *let it be known...I haven't said anything...and will not because...I am a senior...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! |
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Affects By Effects
I don't know what I want to do. I have no idea. I do know, however, I want to make an impact. What a trite expression. Making an impact. So many people my age use this very term and yet they haven't the slightest idea how. Like me. So first I guess one has to define what "making an impact means to them" (god that sounds like an admission essay, doesn't it?) To me it means taking part in something so powerful, it transcends the "good deed" or "charitable act" and becomes a metamorphosis of belief and well being. Easier said than done....
Blake Mycoskie, the founder of Toms, came to speak at UNT on Wednesday and I was so inspired by his story. I have always adored the mission of Toms. Not only is the idea of, "One for one" brilliant from a business perspective, but from a humanitarian perspective as well. Nevertheless, this is one of those things that would be considered "making an impact." This is one of those things I want to do.
I have changed since my first semester in college, hell, since high school, and I have realized I have this desire to affect more than effect, or maybe I want to affect by effect. Whichever.
I am so "college-y." It is just that, I have been, for the first time in awhile, encompassed with this feeling of being able to do anything. And I want to make it count.
That's it. If you made it this far...your probably my mom... :)
Goodnight blog land. May you dream well.
Blake Mycoskie, the founder of Toms, came to speak at UNT on Wednesday and I was so inspired by his story. I have always adored the mission of Toms. Not only is the idea of, "One for one" brilliant from a business perspective, but from a humanitarian perspective as well. Nevertheless, this is one of those things that would be considered "making an impact." This is one of those things I want to do.
I have changed since my first semester in college, hell, since high school, and I have realized I have this desire to affect more than effect, or maybe I want to affect by effect. Whichever.
I am so "college-y." It is just that, I have been, for the first time in awhile, encompassed with this feeling of being able to do anything. And I want to make it count.
That's it. If you made it this far...your probably my mom... :)
Goodnight blog land. May you dream well.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I am supposed to be writing a paper for my Moral Philosophy class discussing if society should be required to be vegetarians to stay morally consistent. However, as I do more and more "googling," I am becoming more and more repulsed by what I am discovering. I know the factory farming industry is inhuman and these poor animals are forced to stand in their own poop and their legs and wings fall off and they are confined to such small spaces they can't even turn around but I never wanted to admit that in a way, by eating meat, I was reinforcing this practice.
I am a meat eater. I love me some chicken and osso buco and bacon. BUT I am ashamed of what I have albeit, indirectly, helping.
It is awful, sick, disturbing, plus a thousand more variations of the same word.
If you are interested in more information about factory farming, watch the documentary called Food INC. It is pretty fasinating.
Basically what I am saying is, I have decided to go veg for one month. I have said this in the past but it was only for the health benefits. Now it is for the life benefits.
good night blog land, may you sleep well and dream of cute animals that share this earth with us.
I am a meat eater. I love me some chicken and osso buco and bacon. BUT I am ashamed of what I have albeit, indirectly, helping.
This video is from Meat.org, go there to see the bigger version.
It is awful, sick, disturbing, plus a thousand more variations of the same word.
If you are interested in more information about factory farming, watch the documentary called Food INC. It is pretty fasinating.
Basically what I am saying is, I have decided to go veg for one month. I have said this in the past but it was only for the health benefits. Now it is for the life benefits.
Thats right I will not eat any product made from a cow-including milk, a pig, a turkey, or a chicken-including eggs for one month. This is my public statement. This will be worth it. So that is all for now. Here are some cute pictures:
good night blog land, may you sleep well and dream of cute animals that share this earth with us.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Bradley Cooper, Yes PLEASE
Yesterday I had the chance to see Limitless and The Lincoln Lawyer. While both were great, I have to say Limitless was not only my favorite because I am obsessed with this man :
but also because the cinematography and concept were refreshing and unique. Who would want to take a pill that would give you access to the full use of your brain? I WOULD. HELL YES I WOULD.
![]() |
If I were on that pill right at this minute, I would be fluent in Italian, I would be an excellent piano player from all the lessons I attempted in my youth, I would be able to TEACH that macroecon class I failed, I would be able to actually read my history textbook without falling asleep AND find it interesting, and I would be able to actually, for the first time, take control of my dog from all the Cesar Milan episodes I have watched...hell I could BE Cesar Milan.
OK yes according to the movie there are downsides to the pill, namely not taking it BUT if one was taking it, then they presumably would be smart enough to procure a lifetime supply by learning how to mold the electrons to the neutrons to the protons and then fit it to the brantrons in your headtron without causing a heap ton of problems.
So in conclusion, vote YES for the pill that makes everyone smart and rich. Not only because I endorse it, but because this man does too:
Yes it is REALLY that good.
As far as Lincoln Lawyer goes, it was an interesting story. Matthew McConaughey was actually good ( I am not a big fan of his Johnny One Note approach to acting). I was disappointed Marisa Tomei and William H. Macy weren't used much as they were the best actors in the whole shebang. Ryan Phillippe did what he does best-play a stuck up rich boy with a constant quivering lip. GET OVER YOURSELF. OK fine he might be a nice guy in real life but really...stop picking the same part. OK yes this part may have had some levels and...um...interesting quirks (I'm not going to spoil it) but it was still the basic same character, dark and twisted with lots of money from mommy. (Is that you, Cruel Intentions?) Overall, it is good movie. Go see it to be entertained.
Goodnight blog land. May you dream of lovely things and Bradley Cooper
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Search For Switzerland
Let me preface this by saying that I work at a pretty fabulous department store, which I LOVE and the majority of our customers, the majority of the time, are usually wonderful and fun. However, within the past couple of weeks, it seems our loyal and wonderful customers are going through a phase equivalent to either the terrible two's or teenage, for example
On one particularly busy evening, a woman, her sister, and the woman's daughter/monkey came into my department. It seems this woman had a preconceived notion that she looked like this...
....when actually she looked like this....
.... and because she thought she was Victoria Beckham (complete with the hair cut and the sour smirk), she preceded to pose in the mirror for 30 MINUTES while her 3 year old daughter/monkey climbed on EVERY DISPLAY in my department while the mother's sister (read: aunt) chased her around like a crazy woman. After she finished posing, she (finally) began picking out clothes. THANK GOD she was a 0 (her words...) so she didn't have to try ANYTHING on! But OH, that one tank top that we have three X-Smalls in on the rack wouldn't do. She needed the X-Small in the very same color and style, that was on the mannequin (which was on top of the tallest display in the store and in which to reach, I had to get a ladder from the backroom) because it was already fitted to HER body. (She really said all this...really). Finally after 20 minutes to the sound of taping Tory Burch black patent flats and a completely rearranged department due to the little rambunctious monkey, I got the tank top off of the headless and armless mannequin. 30 more minutes past and she finally had four appropriate outfits for her ski trip to some magical country called Switzerland in a mysterious land named Europe. Yes, I asked her where she was going and her exact words were "Switzerland (pause) it's in Europe." REALLY?!
Needless to say I ended that night feeling alittle like this.....
Goodnight blog land, may all your dreams come true. I'm off to figure out where this dadgum place called Switzerland is....
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Memory Games
It has been brought to my attention that my knowledge of random facts is actually, very random and this blog is indeed, also very random. I haven't the slightest idea what the numbers are past 3.14 when speaking about pi (or why it is even THAT important) or if the ocean is a reflection of the sky or visa versa, but I can tell you off hand there are about 1,500 active volcanoes on land in the world....here I am inside of one.....
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Mount Etna, Sicily |
......I can tell you the dot in a lower case "i" or "j" is called a tittle...I also know that everyone has a different "tongue print"-kind of like a fingerprint, only more saliva-ier, and that every continent name begins and ends with the same letter, (north and south don't count) AmericA, AfricA, EuropE, AsiA, AntarticA, AustraliA (but that isn't really random as it is pretty obvious...)
Why do I know many random facts that most people don't care about? Because my brain decides to store all this information that I don't need instead of the actual important information I do need (like class lectures on some Italian author who's name starts with a C and contains a "gli"). Also during class lectures, my mind decides to focus on only the "really interesting or random and minute details that aren’t important" type stuff but not on the "important information and concepts that it will be on a test" type stuff. Confused? Yeah, me too. (I also blame Google)
For example, today in Italian Lit we talked about Machiavelli, that author who's name starts with a C and contains a "gli", and the Medici Family. I do find the Medici family truly fascinating but the only thing I can remember from class today is the word "Sprezzatura" and trying to form an concrete definition and that according to Machiavelli, a person should not dance with someone out of their league. Not really that important (if you read this, sorry Professoressa...I appreciate your class and all you put into it...).
It can be frustrating at times but hey, if I ever get on Jeopardy...I might have a chance...
Good night or happy day wherever you are.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Right now I am watching My Strange Addiction on TLC and I don't think the word strange does this show justice..maybe anomalous, bizarre, or screwy. Eating pottery is weird but CIGARETTE ASHES? How does that happen?! Does one just spot an ash tray think to themselves, "yummmm those, black, grimy, ashes look DELICIOUS just like cake!"
I don't judge...
These are my "not so strange but unique to me" addictions:
1. Diet coke...I used to drink 3-4 a day but I have been able to whittle that down to 1-2, which needs to stay at one
2. Sugar. I HAVE A SUGAR ADDICTION. there, I said it.
3. MAC eye shadow. My department is right across from the MAC counter and it takes everything not to just pop over there when we are slow and look at the new collections....ugh
4. Italy....but that is self-explanatory
5. Traveling in general...I will say it is a good thing I do not have enough money to constantly travel because if I did, then I wouldn't have any money...because I would spend it all on traveling...
6. I am addicted to procrastination...it is not my fault I am a chronic procrastinator, it is my addiction’s fault....
7. I guess this would qualify as an addiction...I plan future trips all the time. By that I don't just mean where I would go, I get down to the details such as hotels, restaurants, and flight times. So far I have about 9 trips fully planned including a backpacking trip lasting about a month starting in St. Petersburg, Russia and ending in Budapest, Hungry, a week trip to Sydney, Australia, a week in Vancouver, Canada, a two week trip in Spain and Portugal, and a week and 1/2 in Ireland.
I have discovered I am princess and this is my castle
I never thought I would be interested in visiting Germany but then I saw this picture:
and then I saw this picture:
and I realized I must go to this place and live in this castle regardless of where it is and who owns it. For those who are interested this castle is the inspiration for Cinderella's Castle. Here is the website Neuschwanstein Castle.
On another note, Justin and I just got home from seeing Unknowing (ironically set in Munich) and it was the WORST, most BORING action film I have ever had the unfortunate displeasure of watching. However, Frilly's was yummy, not boring, and totally a pleasure.
So good night blog land. I will now (try) to go to sleep dreaming of my castle and horses and singing birds and fairy tale disney stuff.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Oh Retail
A few things to keep in mind....
1. We will judge you based on the state of your dressing room when you leave. We try not to...but we do.
2. If we suggest an item that is too expensive JUST TELL US! Don't make up some dumb excuse because we can always get a different size, even if we don't have it in store and more often than not we know your are lying. Don't be ashamed because we probably can't afford it either...
3. We are nice to nice people and we try to be nice to mean people but sometimes it is very....very hard
4. If someone else was helping you or you are looking for a specific salesperson, tell us, it is OK
5. Do you really want me to tell you how that bikini that is FOUR sizes too small looks on you? A good tip is: it doesn't matter what size is actually written on the tag, what matters is the fit.
6. I do not condone stealing by ANY MEANS but really, if your trying to steal merchandise maybe you shouldn't talk about how you are planning to steal it in the dressing room....just an idea...
7. If you are still in the store after we officially close and paying for some fabulous thing you could not exist without, no, you will not have to spend the night in the store, and yes there is an exit to the parking lot
8. If you are still in the store after we officially close and are not paying for some fabulous thing you could not exist without, GET OUT.
9. PLEASE tell me your life's story and how it influences your purchase today.
10. Why yes I am glad you asked, I too am a human being just like you.
I work in a department store -a big one with nice, expensive things where we work on commission. When someone wants to buy an nice, expensive thing (or things), they enlist a sales associate (me) to help and we help as much as we can, not because we have an innate desire to want to help but because we want your MONEY and ALOT of it. So when you are in the middle of helping a customer and another sales associate comes along, swoops in, and steals a potentially large sale, it makes the sale associate (me) very angry.
This happened tonight. I know, I know this happens frequently and it is annoying, frustrating, and malicious but COME ON! If you must steal the sale, do it behind my back and not infront of me and don't make it akward. Normally I would have intervened and rescued my sale like an abandoned pup on a drifting raft…ha, but this was not just a pup it was an nasty grizzly bear who could eat me for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and still be hungry. Remember, we are co-workers regardless of what department or floor we work on and I get to see your beautiful, theiving-ass self almost everyday.
I don't steal sales, I don't believe in it. Kharma is a bitch and in retail it is a mean, unforgiving, monster of a bitch.
I do love my job though and for the most part, my coworkers are wonderful people.
That is all for tonight.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Ice Cubes and WIne....
...usually don't mix but I do it anyway. Like tonight, there was a perfectly good bottle of white wine sitting on my counter from dinner with one glass left in it. The only problem was, it was hot. most people would have just corked it up and put it back in the fridge, but not I. I was in OM, I am a problem solver so I poured myself a glass and subsequently put ice cubes in that glass and I drank it. I had to drink it a bit fast, though so the wine wouldn't get watered down. This fact may account for my headache,..... or the fact that it was a $2 bottle of wine. Regardless, it was nice, cold, refreshing, a bit watery, and now gone.
well that is all for now. Good night blog land. See you later (maybe.)
Who am I kidding? I don't know the first thing about blogging, or wine for that matter. I do know that red=meat and white=fish.
Anyway, I guess, if anyone, besides my mother..or grandmother...or aunt(s), reads this blog they don't have anything better to do, which is fine by me because I don't (besides studying.)
I may make lists on this blog (I like lists but only if they are totally random or funny), post pictures, or rant (which seems to be a popular choice).
well that is all for now. Good night blog land. See you later (maybe.)
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