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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Memory Games

It has been brought to my attention that my knowledge of random facts is actually, very random and this blog is indeed, also very random. I haven't the slightest idea what the numbers are past 3.14 when speaking about pi (or why it is even THAT important) or if the ocean is a reflection of the sky or visa versa, but I can tell you off hand there are about 1,500 active volcanoes on land in the I am inside of one.....

Mount Etna, Sicily

......I can tell you the dot in a lower case "i" or "j" is called a tittle...I also know that everyone has a different "tongue print"-kind of  like a fingerprint, only more saliva-ier, and that every continent name begins and ends with the same letter, (north and south don't count) AmericA, AfricA, EuropE, AsiA, AntarticA, AustraliA (but that isn't really random as it is pretty obvious...)

Why do I know many random facts that most people don't care about? Because my  brain decides to store all this information that I don't need instead of the actual important information I do need (like class lectures on some Italian author who's name starts with a C and contains a "gli"). Also during class lectures, my mind decides to focus on only the "really interesting or random and minute details that aren’t important" type stuff but not on the "important information and concepts that it will be on a test" type stuff. Confused? Yeah, me too. (I also blame Google)

For example, today in Italian Lit we talked about Machiavelli, that author who's name starts with a C and contains a "gli", and the Medici Family. I do find the Medici family truly fascinating but the only thing I can remember from class today is the word "Sprezzatura" and trying to form an concrete definition and that according to Machiavelli, a person should not dance with someone out of their league. Not really that important (if you read this, sorry Professoressa...I appreciate your class and all you put into it...).

It can be frustrating at times but hey, if I ever get on Jeopardy...I might have a chance...

Good night or happy day wherever you are.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Right now I am watching My Strange Addiction on TLC and I don't think the word strange does this show justice..maybe anomalous, bizarre, or screwy. Eating pottery is weird but CIGARETTE ASHES? How does that happen?! Does one just spot an ash tray think to themselves, "yummmm those, black, grimy, ashes look DELICIOUS just like cake!"


I don't judge...

These are my "not so strange but unique to me" addictions:

1. Diet coke...I used to drink 3-4 a day but I have been able to whittle that down to 1-2, which needs to stay at one

2. Sugar. I HAVE A SUGAR ADDICTION. there, I said it.

3. MAC eye shadow. My department is right across from the MAC counter and it takes everything not to just pop over there when we are slow and look at the new collections....ugh

4. Italy....but that is self-explanatory

5. Traveling in general...I will say it is a good thing I do not have enough money to constantly travel because if I did, then I wouldn't have any money...because I would spend it all on traveling...

6. I am addicted to is not my fault I am a chronic procrastinator, it is my addiction’s fault....

7. I guess this would qualify as an addiction...I plan future trips all the time. By that I don't just mean where I would go, I get down to the details such as hotels, restaurants, and flight times. So far I have about 9 trips fully planned including a backpacking trip lasting about a month starting in St. Petersburg, Russia and ending in Budapest, Hungry,  a week trip to Sydney, Australia, a week in Vancouver, Canada, a two week trip in Spain and Portugal, and a week and 1/2 in Ireland.  

these are all the addictions I can think of right now. What are your "not so strange but unique to me" addictions

I have discovered I am princess and this is my castle

I never thought I would be interested in visiting Germany but then I saw this picture:

and then I saw this picture:

and I realized I must go to this place and live in this castle regardless of where it is and who owns it. For those who are interested this castle is the inspiration for  Cinderella's Castle. Here is the website Neuschwanstein Castle.

On another note, Justin and I just got home from seeing Unknowing (ironically set in Munich) and it was the WORST, most BORING action film I have ever had the unfortunate displeasure of watching. However, Frilly's was yummy, not boring, and totally a pleasure.

So good night blog land. I will now (try) to go to sleep dreaming of my castle and horses and singing birds and fairy tale disney stuff. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oh Retail

A few things to keep in mind.... 

1. We will judge you based on the state of your dressing room when you leave. We try not to...but we do.

2. If we suggest an item that is too expensive JUST TELL US! Don't make up some dumb excuse because we can always get a different size, even if we don't have it in store and more often than not we know your are lying.  Don't be ashamed because we probably can't afford it either...

3. We are nice to nice people and we try to be nice to mean people but sometimes it is very....very hard

4. If someone else was helping you or you are looking for a specific salesperson, tell us, it is OK

5. Do you really want me to tell you how that bikini that is FOUR sizes too small looks on you? A good tip is: it doesn't matter what size is actually written on the tag, what matters is the fit. 

6. I do not condone stealing by ANY MEANS but really, if your trying to steal merchandise maybe you shouldn't talk about how you are planning to steal it in the dressing room....just an idea...

7. If you are still in the store after we officially close and paying for some fabulous thing you could not exist without, no, you will not have to spend the night in the store, and yes there is an exit to the parking lot

8. If you are still in the store after we officially close and are not paying for some fabulous thing you could not exist without, GET OUT.

9. PLEASE tell me your life's story and how it influences your purchase today.

10. Why yes I am glad you asked, I too am a human being just like you.



I work in a department store -a big one with nice, expensive things where we work on commission.  When someone wants to buy an nice, expensive thing (or things), they enlist a sales associate (me) to help and we help as much as we can, not because we have an innate desire to want to help but because we want your MONEY and ALOT of it.  So when you are in the middle of helping a customer and another sales associate comes along, swoops in, and steals a potentially large sale, it makes the sale associate (me) very angry. 
This happened tonight.  I know, I know this happens frequently and it is annoying, frustrating, and malicious but COME ON! If you must steal the sale, do it behind my back and not infront of me and don't make it akward. Normally I would have intervened and rescued my sale like an abandoned pup on a drifting raft…ha, but this was not just a pup it was an nasty grizzly bear who could eat me for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and still be hungry.  Remember, we are co-workers regardless of what department or floor we work on and I get to see your beautiful, theiving-ass self almost everyday. 
I don't steal sales, I don't believe in it. Kharma is a bitch and in retail it is a mean, unforgiving, monster of a bitch. 
I do love my job though and for the most part, my coworkers are wonderful people.
That is all for tonight. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ice Cubes and WIne....

...usually don't mix but I do it anyway. Like tonight, there was a perfectly good bottle of white wine sitting on my counter from dinner with one glass left in it. The only problem was, it was hot. most people would have just corked it up and put it back in the fridge, but not I. I was in OM, I am a problem solver so I poured myself a glass and subsequently put ice cubes in that glass and I drank it. I had to drink it a bit fast, though so the wine wouldn't get watered down. This fact may account for my headache,..... or the fact that it was a $2 bottle of wine. Regardless, it was nice, cold, refreshing, a bit watery, and now gone.

Who am I kidding? I don't know the first thing about blogging, or wine for that matter. I do know that red=meat and white=fish. 
Anyway, I guess, if anyone, besides my mother..or grandmother...or aunt(s), reads this blog they don't have anything better to do, which is fine by me because I don't (besides studying.)
I may make lists on this blog (I like lists but only if they are totally random or funny), post pictures, or rant (which seems to be a popular choice). 

well that is all for now. Good night blog land. See you later (maybe.)