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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Random Ramblings

1. Cefalu has a marching band. Yep and they play at 10 in the morning on Sundays, but only this Sunday, not every Sunday but I was assured they play on Sundays...

2.  One of my bosses could very likely be a cousin.

3. My lifeguard friend could also very likely be a cousin (this is unfortunate)

4.  I am beginning to like the Simpsons. It is funnier in Italian.

5.  Cefalu is a town full of secrets that everyone knows but won't address. (This is typical for a small town but because this is a small town in Italy, and everyone involved is usually Italian, the secrets are a bit more dramatic than they need to be)

6. When you speak in Italian, everyone knows what you are saying...or at least trying to say, unlike in the States, when you speak in Italian when you don't want that person sitting across from you to understand what you are saying about them. ooops. that was a momentary lapse in memory. Same thing goes for English. You never know who can actually speak just keep your mouth shut..

7. The majority of Sicilian women hate me. Really hate me. The other day I smiled at this group of girls I have seen around town  and I swear I saw flaming fire balls shoot from every pair of eyes and were aimed at my head.

8. In an earlier post, I talked about the popped collars, stunna shades, and gelled hair and how it was almost attractive. Well, now it is really attractive. Although, American guys can't pull it off as well as these Italians do. It is all about attitude....and they have it...

9. I was having a conversation with a girlfriend of mine here (who doesn't shoot fireballs at me). We were talking about the differences in attractions between Americans and Italians. I was saying how many American girls (at least the ones I know, myself included) want an attractive Italian man. She told me the majority of her friends want a blonde hair, blue eyed, American boy.  I then suggested we switch cities as Denton has a plethora of what she wants and Italy has a plethora of what I want. She agreed.

10.  I have walked around this town so much that I now know which streets have morning shade and which streets have afternoon shade and to avoid Via Bordonaro at all cost in the early afternoon because there is no shade.

11. After all these years, I have found my father's long lost brother. Though I don't know his name, I know he has to be related to my dad SOMEHOW.  It is inevitable. They are related. They are. They just are.

12. I was approached by a so called "businessman" in this town with a business proposal. After reassuring me many times nothing illegal was involved "but I had to keep it a secret", I think he finally got the point I wasn't going to do business with him, no matter how much the kick backs were. Even if I did agree to set up the tours, he wouldn't pay me anyway. Because no one does anything they say they are going to do here. Ever. Oh and no one has any money. Ever.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I will never understand the inevitable italian unfaithfulness. I understand people have affairs and I understand it is not only Italians. One can argue Americans are one of the frontrunners when it comes to having affairs with such examples as and similar sites. What disgusts and baffles me is how widely accepted it is here. The women seem accept it and go on with their lives standing beside their unfaithful but always loving husbands.
Last night I was told that a man cannot be true Sicilian without having a mistress regardless if he lives in Italy or not. It is this statement that burns me to my very core. Granted I do have a skewed view of life in Italy. I am in a small town where everyone knows everyone and the only excitement is in the summer when the locals get to sample fresh and "exotic" meat. 
In my opinion this is a sad existence. How can anyone live freely and happily when they have to either deal with the pressure of juggling so many women or the women have to live knowing their husbands cannot be fully satisfied with only them.
Further, because of this lovely converstation I had, it almost seems as if there is a pressure put upon these men to prove they are "truly Sicilian" and if they do not engage in having an affair, then they have failed not only their culture and their gender, but their destiny as well.  

Friday, June 10, 2011

Names and names.

I always thought it was a joke. I never took it seriously. When one thinks about it, the first thing that comes to mind is "how is that possible".  Oh but let me tell you it is possible. It is. What am I talking about? Names. Male names. There are only like 10 and they are used over and over and over. It gets a little exhausting. These names include:

Obviously there are exceptions to the rule but still the vast majority of males in this tiny little town are deemed with the previous 10 names. Yet when you are talking about someone with one of these names no last names are necessary because everyone knows which one you are talking about. This fact truly baffles me. I think it is an italian quality that they are born with...kind of like an italian super power.

With women it is different. Yes there are commons names but they are not so regulated to the same 10 names and in this case last names are sometimes used. 

It can be so frustrating and hilarious at the same time. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

10 Days

Today is day 10 of my trip to Cefalu and it has already proved interesting. I have run into many people from last summer-including the creeps (and by that most of you know who I mean). The funny thing is, they (and he) don't seem half as creepy as they did last summer. Here is my After 10 Days list of what I have noticed in Cefalu.

11. Italian men seem to love fanny packs. Apparently it is the "in" thing.
10. The mullet has made a comeback among 11-17 year old boys
9. Most Sicilian women still don't like female tourists no matter how much you smile at them. 
8. But if you are friends with them, they will make sure you are always ok and have your back...for the most part...
7. Italian men love women...this is no surprise but even when they are 90 years old with missing teeth, no hair, thick eyeglasses, are probably deaf and need a walker, they will still use all their energy to get a good stare. 
6. What is it about the lifeguards here...ERUH!
5. Somehow these guys are able to pull off a popped collar, stunna shades, a mad strut, while smoking a cigarette. In the states I would view this as douchebaggy...but is kind of attractive, I am ashamed to say.
4. When people end a phone call there is no shortage of ciao. I don't actually know when to hang up. After the first one, or the 15th one...
3. Everyone has affairs...EVERYONE. This I will never understand. 
2. I have come to find the smell of cigarette smoke comforting. 
1. Besides the beach in cefalu, there is nothing to do...absolutely nothing, zero, zilch, niente...and I like it